Library Mission Statement
The Mission of Clyde School library media program is to foster a love of reading and books, teach students applicable research skills, and to teach information literacy to ensure that students and staff are effective users of ideas and information.
Hours of Operation: 8:00-3:20 Monday-Friday
Book Check Out: Kindergarten and first grade are allowed to check out one book a week, second and third grades are allowed two books a week and fourth and fifth grades are allowed three books a week. These books can be renewed until the student has finished reading them. The books have to be brought each week to be turned in or renewed.
Schedule: Students visit the library once a week during their classes scheduled time. Students can visit the library during the day when there is not a scheduled library class.
Overdue and Damaged Books: We are aware that books can be lost and accidents happen. We stress the importance of being responsible and taking care of library books. If a book is lost or damaged the student/parents will be responsible for paying for the cost to replace the book. We do not charge overdue fees.
Library Orientation:
Internet Safety Quiz:
Kid Friendly Internet Resources:
Please follow this link for a video on Microsoft PowerPoint and how to complete your presentation on book care:
Please follow this link for a video on the Dewey Decimal System and how to complete your scavenger hunt, as well as your first clue:
Please follow this link for Destiny Quest video and how to use Destiny Quest: